The purpose of this page is to hold all of the planning, logistics, and operational documentation for the Last Blast Music Fest. This page will be the single source for all logistical communication, documentation of planning efforts, and will be used as a guide for the volunteers on the day of the event.

This is a working document. This means that there will be constant updates and changes to this page as we plan and execute this event. The goal being to leave the logistical skeleton of the event for years to come.

Festival leads will be using the page as your checklist and activity report. Updates will be added in person during lead meetings before and after the event.  


2:30: All Leads Arrive - Meet at Logistics Tent

3:45: All Volunteers Arrive

4:30: Bands Begin to Arrive - Everything Set up and Ready

5:00: Guests Begin to Arrive

6:00: Parade of Bands

7:00: Parking Moves to Hourly Trash Runs

7:30-8:00: Ticketing and Programs Closes

9:00: Merch and Concessions Closes

10:00 Begin Tear Down


Each of the leads will have slightly different tasks on the day of the event. But here is an overview of what your day of event responsibilities.







Logistics | Volunteers

1 10x20 Tent, 2 6ft Tables, Camp Chairs, T-Shirts, Laptop, Charging Station, Snacks


1 10x10 Tent, Cash Pouch, POS System, 2 Chairs, 2 6ft Tables, 1 4ft Table, Merch, Photo Booth Supplies, Bracelet Supplies


110x10 Tent, 2 6ft Tables, Awards, Buckets, Raffle Items, 50/50 Tickets, 4ft Table for Field


Chalk Paint - Instrument Parking, Prop Space Director's Info Packets, Guides Bags


Zip Ties, Tape, Scissors


3 Tents, 4 Tables, Volunteers Arrive at 2:30 for Dry Snacks Set Up


1 10x10 Tent, 2 Chairs, 1 6ft Table, POS System


1 10x10 Tent, 1 6ft Table, POS System, Wrist Bands, Cash Box, Tech Tool


Chalk Paint - Draw Lines for Trailers Unload Trailer and Move Near Dumpsters, Shuttle Sharon Bice - 937-203-7238 - 3:30, 3:15, 3:45 - 8:00, 8:15, 8:30. Security Sweep, Trash Pick Up, Bathroom Checks On the Hour


Link to Flow of Events Document

Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much!

- Helen Keller

Lead Information

Below are the names and contact information for the wonderful people who have agreed to take charge in one of the many areas required to make this festival operate smoothly.

Logistics- Kellie Daab - 937.205.2134

Guides - Jaylynn Bowmaster - 937-206-5126

Concessions - Casey Allen - 937-903-7734

Ticketing- Kim Osburn - 937-903-0312

Merchandise - Michelle Faulkner - 937-694-0366

Programs - Abby Walls - 937-925-5065

Signage - Amy and Jimmy Williams - 937-307-4477

Parking - Brad and Lori Albertini -

Volunteer Manager - Katie McKee - 937-823-2508

Awards- Jamie Holley - 937-824-0545

Runners - Charrla - 937-559-2668


Leads Logistics

Each one of you has an incredibly important role in the outcome and operation of the festival. This event would not be possible without the incredible leads that keep their areas pulled together.

Below you will find a working task list for each of the leads. Some of you will be working long before the date of the event, while others will work really hard on the day of the event. Each is needed and appreiated.

The below button will take you to the festival volunteer management form. These are people who have signed up to help you on their registration forms. This is where to begin with recruiting your helpers for the day of the event. You may edit this document in your section as you wish.

If you have any questions at ANY TIME during the planning stages please let your logistic lead know! 

The primary role of the Ticketing Lead is to manage the sales, purchasing, and day of sales of tickets. You will be using the existing ticketing system to manage ticket sales and to track the sales processes, scan in guests, and manage day of sales.

Here are the tasks required of the Ticketing Lead:

*Obtain Log in Information for Ticketing System and Email

*Attend an in person training with logistics to go through the technology required for ticketing.

Train volunteers them on ticketing systems.

  • Implement technology on the day of the event for live ticket sales.
  • Learn how to use and set up POS System for ticket sales.
  • Learn how to use and set up ticket scanning app and implement onto phones on Day of.
  • Set Up and Clean Up Ticketing Area
  • Provide a post event ticketing report using system and day of sales.

You will work closely with the Logistics Team for tech support and education. You will also be working closely with the merchandise team to help them determine numbers to order as well as to prepare for ticket bundles.

The Merchandise Lead / Leads will be responsible for all tasks that involve things we sell at the event. You'll work prior to the event to order, select, and "design" the concepts for merchandise to be sold on the day of the event. You will also work with ticketing on bundles as well as for POS system needs.

Here are the tasks associated with Merchandise:

(Additional tasks may be added as the role develops)

*Design and Develop Festival Shirt

  • Design and Develop Additional Clothing Merch Concepts
  • Determine Pricing and Printing Options From Local Printers
  • Order and Manage Shipments from Printer
  • Prepare and Manage Raffle Day of Event
  • Manage Raffle Announcements Day of Event with MC
  • Manage On Field Signage and Senior Signage
  • Provide Proposed Budget to Boosters
  • Learn POS System and Teach Volunteers
  • Set Up and Clean Up Merch Areas Day of Event


The awards lead is responsible for ordering, selecting, managing, and distributing the awards given on the day of the event. You will begin your work prior to the event once all band slots have been filled. You will work directly with the logistics lead for reward timing, storage, and delivery. You will also be responsible for managing the Hospitality Award and the payments to the bands.

Here is a list of the Award Leads proposed tasks:

(Additional Taks may be added as the role develops)

  • Gather Band Registration Info from Forms
  • Design and Select Awards - 1 per band - including hospitality award
  • Provide Boosters with an Award Cost Proposal
  • Prepare Hospitality Awards Money Buckets
  • Prepare Day of Signage for Hospitality Award and Send to Signage Lead
  • Count and Assign Hospitality Award Day of Event - Work with MC for announcement
  • Pick Up Awards
  • Leason with the MC on the Day of the Event for T-Shirt Tosses
  • Manage the Fun Crew on Day of Event
  • Present Awards on Field Day of Event - Transport to Field Before Drum Off
  • Set Up and Clean Up Awards Area Day of Event

You will work primarily with the support of the Logistics Lead to obtain information about the bands, layout for awards, and more. Be aware of lead times for ordering awards and prepare for easy ways to transport awards.  

The primary role of the Guides Lead is to manage, educate, and look out for festival day guides. Your role begins with recruitment before the event and continues through the day of management of the guides. Your role is vital to the flow of the program. You will need a great concept of the time it takes to move bands, line up bands, and manage teams.

Here are the tasks required of the Guides Lead:

(Additional tasks may be added as the role develops)

  • Recruit 12 Guides and 1 Assistant - Assistant to Act as College Band Liason
  • Learn Festival Schedule and Traffic Flow
  • Create a Guide Training Sheet
  • Create, Manage, and Distribute the Director Information Cards - includes link to page developed by Logistics
  • Manage All Guide Communications - Work with Logistics for Questions
  • Create Band Guest Lanyards and Print and Assemble
  • Create Small Directors Gift to INclude with Lanyards and Card from Logistics
  • Attend and Lead Portion of Festival Training Meeting
  • Guides will Assist with Picking Up After Bands in Stands and Providing Feedback Reports
  • Provide Feedback Report Following Event

You will work directly with the logistics team on timing on the day of the event. You will be in charge of the flow of traffic and the overall production of the event.



The program lead will be working primarily before the function to gather all ad submissions, band information, and digital files to design and develop the program. The program lead will work primarily with the logistical lead for ad tracking and gathering band regstration information.

Gather Ad Submissions from Google Forms and Email - GOOGLE FORMS LINK

Create Ad Tracking Sheet for Students - LINK

Remind Students about Ad Submission Deadline - August 15th.

Design Program

Find Printer / Get Quotes or Negotitate Trade

Gather all Band Related Email and Information from Forms - send reminder emails as needed

Order, Pick Up, and Manage Distribution with Ticketing

Set Up and Manage Programs on the Day of the Event

Create Sponsor Graphics for Field Signs - DONE BY AUG 15th

Work with Signage and Merch for Printing and Pick Up

Provide Budget Needs and Receipts

Set Up and Tear Down Program Tent on Day of Event


The Role of the Signage Lead is to create all signage for the day of the event. You will work directly with each of the leads to determine what their signage needs will be. They will submit signage needs to you and you will be responsible for creating, printing, ordering, and putting out all signage on the day of the event. Your task will begind prior to the event once all bands have submitted their registration and all leads have made major decisions. This role will like begin work only 1 month prior to the event.

Here are the proposed responsibilities of the signage lead:

(Additional tasks may be added as the role develops)


  • Gather Sponsor Information and Logos from Program Lead - Work Closely with Merch Lead for best pricing
  • Gather Band Information and Logos from Logistics Lead
  • Determine Sizing of Signs
  • Sign Needs: Fence Signs for Bands, Bleacher Signs to Include Rows, Small Fence Signs for Parking, Direction Signs, Parking Signs, Check with other leads
  • Design and Develop Signs with Printer
  • Provide Budget Needs and Proposals to Logistics Team
  • Gather Signage Information from Leads to print info signs, parking signs, etc.
  • Create a sign inventory list.
  • Determine how signs will be printed based on type - etc. library printing etc.
  • Make and Order Signs
  • Set Out and Clean Up All Signs on Day of Event
  • Store Signs Properly Following Event



Concessions is Responsible for:

Working with Wee Bucs Leader for Concessions Information

Training Yourself and Volunteers on Working the Concession Stand

Training Volunteers on POS System

Working with Logistics on Volunteer Management and Scheduling



The Parking Teams primary responsibility is to manage the safety and flow of traffic for the bands. Using the parking maps provided by the logistics team you will manage a group of volunteers to assist with bus parking, blocking lots, and trailers. Guests of the events will be asked to find their own parking similar to sporting events.

The Parking Lead is Responsible For:

(Additional tasks may be added as the role develops)

  • Work with Logistics to Understand Parking Maps
  • Work with Signage for Needs
  • Create + Print Small Card That Shows People Where to Park
    • Negotiate Overflow Parking with City and Businesses
  • ReRoute Busses to the Parking Area
  • Pull Trash Day of the Event
  • Stadium "Security" Day of Event
  • Line Up and Manage Shuttle Driver/s
  • Manage Exit Parking

The Volunteer Manager is responsible for recruiting, scheduling, and caring for all of the volunteers required for the event. The Volunteer Manager will work with every one of the leads for succesful operations of the volunteers.

Here are the tasks required of the Volunteer Management:

  • Use the Volunteer Management Form to Contact and Recruit Volunteers by Sign Up - LINK TO FORM
  • Create Volunteer Schedules for Merchandise, Ticketing, Parking, and Concessions LINK TO REG SPREADSHEET
  • Meet with Logistics to Discuss How Schedules Work
  • Gather Volunteer T Shirt Sizes and Distribute Day of Event
  • Create, Assemble, and Pass Out Volunteer Gifts
  • Manage Volunteer Tent on Day of Event - Water, Snacks, Seats, Etc.
  • Manage All Volunteers Schedule on Day of Event
  • Provide feedback following the event on how volunteer management can run more smoothly.

This area will be used for tracking the production planning and notes for the logistics team. The purpose for this area is so that others can be aware of the work of the logistics team. This area should be kept for future festival logistics teams.

XCreate festival plan to include traffic flow, production layout, band schedule, and budget. Get approved by boosters.

  Secure date with the Athletic Director and Director.

Check with City for Event Conflicts and Parking

Create/Update band registration forms in Google.

Work with Director for band invites and communication.

Update/Create Band Director Information Pages

Confirm and Contract College Band

Set up Ticketing Apps in Shopify and Create Event

Plan and Execute Ad Day

Write Proposal For Doug Adams Trust

Update/Create Festival Page in Shopify

Update/Create Sponsorship Information in Shopify

  Add Sponsors to Website by end of Sept.

Set Up / Update Ad Form in Google Forms

Design or Update Flyer/ Poster

Print 200 copies

Create/ Update Ad Flyer and Print 500

Update Festival Planning Logistics Page

Update Budget

Create Volunteer Management Document from Registration Forms

Plan and Host Lead Meetings - start mid June. Add leads as their positions start activating.

Plan and Host Parent Training Meeting - 1 week prior to event

Manage the Technology and Education of Leads on Technology

Create / Update Director Information Forms

Athletic Director Walk Through - 3 weeks prior to event - Use of Screen - Yard Markers -

Create Parent Information Graphic

Manage Director Communication leading up to event- Out by end of September

Manage all Marketing and Local Collaborations - Create event online, pass out posters, and manage press releases.

Manage the tasks of the Leads and ensure festival coherence.

Shut down pre-order and update website pages leading up to the festival

Create day of MC Schedule

Create, Print, Assemble Directors Info Cards - Give to Guides Lead

Call Bank to Inform Cash Withdraw - Pick up Cash 2 Days before event - Sort Cash Into Envelopes for Each Cash Lead - Gather Envelopes After Event

Write Checks for Bands, College Bands, MC, etc. Put in cards and write Thank You Notes

Purchase Director Snacks and Drinks - Go Light

Lead Parents Meeting - Give time for leads to section off.

Update Week Of Schedule and Manage Leads Arrival

Manage Day of Set Up and Tear Down



Notes From Other Festivals:

Parking Team Work Closely with the Guides - Guides step in right when the band arrives.

Back up Plan for Last Minute Cancellations.

Paper Packet Important for Older Directors

Maps for Warm Up Areas, Field Awards and Layout for Parade Line Up, Instrument Storage Layout. Guide Lead Organizes with Guides for Parade

Awards to Drum Battle... transition of teams.

Connect with ROTC for flags at beginning of event.

Blow Up Tunnel Use for Running On the Field During Pre-Game Opener - Announcer Reminders

MC Annoncements about the event and what they can do/buy/experience

50/50 Announcement, Hospitality Award Announcement

Cones and Direction Tape for Concessions Lines - Enough lines for students to get through quickly.

Tags for bus drivers/ place to sit for easy exit?

Crowd Pleasers - Running Souzas? The wave with color guard? Costumed Characters?

Bathroom and Trash Restocks and Clean Ups

Drumline during and between award announcements







The boosters have earmarked a budget of $6,000 plus the ads revenue for this first festival. $2,000 has been pledged by Doug Adams Trust.The following is a working budget for each of the above lead areas. Updated *10/6/23

$10,00 Working Budget

Logistics - $300

Merchandise- $1,500

Ticketing - $300

Awards -$300

Guides - $100

Signage -$300

Parking - $100

Programs - $1,500

Concessions - $0

Bands- $1,500 at $100 each.

College Bands - $4,000

Athletic Department - $200

Master of Ceremonies - $850


$10, 650

Could be less depending on college bands.