Marching Band Information


In pursuing their performing goals, the members of the XMB develop musicianship, leadership, skills, responsibility, obligation, and provide. The members will strive to foster positive behavior and attitudes. Our goal is always to build school and community pride.


Phys Ed Waiver

Students in grades 9-12 may be granted a waiver which will apply to their Physical Education requirement according to school board policy. The academic credit toward graduation is not waived. The requirement that it be earned by taking a traditional physical education class is. Students are still required to make up the accompanying credits elsewhere.

How to get the Waiver

  • Complete the Fall Marching Band season.
  • Pay fees in full.
  • Complete Waiver Form
  • Submit to the Director within 2 weeks of the end of season.



Students receive recognition patches/varsity letters for each season of a band activity, including Marching Buccaneers, color guard, pep band, and jass band. Many students choose to display these on their varsity jackets or sweaters.

How to get the Patches

  • Complete an entire season of activities.
  • Pay fees in full.
  • Attend final awards events to be recognized.


A small number of students are designated to be members of the Student Leadership Team. These students are experienced XMB members who volunteer their time to perform extra duties. These students include Drum Major, Leaders, and Color Guard Captains.

Support Teams

Certain band members are designated to be members of the Student Leadership Team. These students are a vital component to the efficient operations of the XMB. These students are experienced members who volunteer their time and are selected to perform extra duties as needed. These students include Librarians and Equipment Managers.

Cart Managers

Several students will be designated as Cart Managers. Cart managers are responsible for working cooperatively with the directors and the Band Booster Uniform Committee members in coordinating the placement and use of uniform storage carts. Cart Managers are designated by the Band Booster Uniform Committee with the approval of the director.


Every 4th year the XMB competes in a marching band festival at Disney World in Florida.

This event is especially exciting for the students and requires additional meetings, rehearsals, and commitments.

Our next trip is scheduled for 2025-2026 school year.


Supporting your students during their marching band experience is fun, fast-paced, and exciting. There are so many things you’ll learn about marching band, working together, and community outreach.

One of the greatest benefits of getting involved with XMB is getting to be involved with your student's activities. Our students love building relationships with you and making you proud of their achievements. Being an involved parent allows you to build new relationships, spend time with your child, and give a little love to all of the members of the band.


Below you’ll find a variety of ways to get involved or to opt out of involvement. We understand that you have commitments and responsibilities outside of the band. All of the time you offer in service to the band can be given based on your availability and comfort level!


Our marching band community is like a busy little family. We’ll spend a concentrated amount of time together working towards the same goal. This means that you’ll benefit from building fast and tight relationships in a loving community committed to the enjoyment and success of the students.



XMB participates in a variety of local events like Trunk or Treat, Teacher Orientation, and more. These events help to expose the students to community events while making our local residents aware of their participation.

The XMB are a vital part of the school and community, and as such, have a social responsibility in this area. The members of XMB will understand and accept this responsibility to the school and community as part of the obligation.


Band Boosters

The Xenia Band Boosters are an important component of the total band program. All parents of band students are automatically members of this organization and are encouraged to become active in the group. The boosters are the backbone of the Marching Band. The boosters sponsor various fundraising projects throughout the school year that benefit students in all band programs. The boosters help to keep participation costs to a minimum for everyone.

The band boosters are made up of a variety of volunteer positions. Every parent that volunteers their time, energy, and effort to the successful operation of the band is an important part of the boosters.

The Xenia Marching Band Boosters operates using an established set of bylaws. Each year the bylaws are edited in April and voted on in May and read in June. You will receive an email of the bylaws in May but they can be viewed upon request of a member of the Executive Committee.


The executive committee includes the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Additional chairpeople are needed in other capacities such as Hospitality, Fundraising, Social Media, Chaperones, Equipment, Announcer, Senior Coordinator, Photographer, Middle School Liason and Uniforms.

Each year elections are held for the members of the Executive Committee. During the election, you are asked to vote for the volunteer that you best believe will serve the role.

Executive Committee members and chairpersons manage the ongoing logistics of XMB. Their initiatives and thoughts are shared, discussed, and voted on during monthly Booster meetings. Booster meetings take place at 7:00pm on the first Monday of every month. Minutes of the meetings are sent via email prior to the next meeting.

The activities of XMB would not be possible without the helping hands and support of the parents.


Our directors and the executive committee of the band boosters do their absolute best to communicate clearly with you through the Band App. You will receive notification of event logistics prior to events and on the date pick-up information as events and travel end. You will be informed of what your child needs to prepare for in advance to the events through the app. However, more personal communication about volunteering, needs, purchases, or your child may be required. You may choose to use the private message option in the band app to connect with chairs and committee members or you can email the band boosters.


Contact Info:

XMB Boosters -

The XMB communicates primarily through an app called BAND. You can find the app by searching in the app store. The logo is green with the letter b. Download the app then search Xenia Marching Band. Click request to join. An admin will accept your join request. Continue to set up your account inside the band app.


The band app will be where the events calendar is hosted. You will receive event notifications and reminders for rehearsals, games, and events. You will also receive all of the logistical details, uniform requirements, times, and updates for all band events.


The band app is a vital communication resource for the XMB but it’s also the hub for photos, communication, social invites, and community building.


Parents are encouraged to communicate with their student's instructors directly with any questions or concerns.

Mr. Lewis - chat function on the band app or

Ms. Satchell - chat function on the band app or

Tagging a director in the forum portion of the band app also triggers a notification. Please note that our directors are not available at all hours of the day and will respond within working hours.


On occasion, you may receive paper handouts, forms, or announcements. We encourage you to take a moment and plug them into your calendar or put them in an important place for future reference.

The XMB has a Facebook page titled Xenia High School Marching Band. This page is primarily used for upcoming event marketing, post-event photos, and sharing spotlights of students and events. Click HERE to follow the page.

Band Schedule

Generally, the schedule for the Marching Buccaneers will be available by May of the preceding year. Updates and changes to the schedule will be made inside the BAND app throughout the season.

The calendar in the BAND app allows you to merge with any google calendar. This will allow you to see the event dates on your personal calendar.

Any changes to times, dates, or logistics will be done inside the BAND app calendar first and will trigger your merged calendar.



Band Camp is extremely important to the training of a good band. Through the extensive training that is done at camp, the band begins to perform as a unit, not as individuals. Band Camp is designed to be two weeks of intense training in marching and music fundamentals. During this time the students will memorize the music and drill for the pre-game and the first halftime show. Quality area instructors will be brought in to instruct sectional and full ensemble rehearsals.

Attendance at both weeks is MANDATORY for all members. Please schedule any vacations, appointments, or conflicts around these dates. All band members are required to attend both weeks of camps. Any exceptions to this rule will be determined by the band director. Members and parents should read this section together.



WEEK ONE: Last Week of July (July 22- 26th in 2024)

WEEK TWO: Second Week of August (August 5-9th in 2024)


Marching Band camp takes place at Xenia High School. You’ll spend the majority of your time outdoors on the field and in your sections. You will need to come prepared to work hard, learn, and listen every single day.

It is wise to begin moving your body and exercising prior to the start of band camp. You will also need to prepare for outdoor elements. Wear appropriate clothing for the heat.

It is imperative that you get the proper rest, hydration, and nutrition before and during band camp. Please eat a healthy and filling breakfast every morning. You will be working HARD in the outdoors for long hours at a time.

Lunch will be provided by the Band Boosters at noon each day during band camp. You may pack a lunch if you’d prefer. Peanut Butter and Jelly will also be available every day. Due to safety and liability issues, no students will be permitted to leave the high school campus for lunch.

Camp Checklist

These items are the MINIMUM requirements every student will need while attending band camp. Students who do not have the required supplies will not be exempt from activities that cause discomfort.

  • Hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen
  • Lip Balm
  • Black Ankle Length Socks
  • Tennis Shoes (Broken in. No slides, crocs, boots, sandals, flip-flops, or high-top shoes)
  • Filled, Labeled with Name, Water Jug
  • Your Instrument
  • Flip Folder and Lyre
  • Extra Plastic Sleeves for Lyre
  • Pencil


Suggested Items for Comfort

  • Compression Shorts - Fit snugly to the skin to avoid chafing of the inner thigh. Can be purchased at Walmart or Dicks Sporting Goods

  • Cooling Wraps - Wet down with water and wrap around your neck for a few hours of cooling. Can be purchased at Walmart, Lowes, or Amazon.

Additional suggestions, tips, and answers to your questions can be provided by your section leaders, veteran members, and veteran parents of XMB.



You will begin rehearshing for Marching Band during the summer months and prior to Band Camp.


7:00-9:00 PM

Following your time at band camp evening rehearsals will begin. You’ll be expected to fully participate in all rehearsals.


3:00-5:30 PM

Through the end of October or in other words, up until the last football game of the season.

Transportation will be provided from the middle school to the high school for rehearsal. Parents may pick up their students at 5:30 pm each day. It is our goal to not deviate from this time schedule.


Rehearsal Checklist


  • Instrument

  • MusicBinder with Binder With Extra Plastic Sleeves for Music

  • Pencil


All rehearsal conflicts must be communicated to a director prior to rehearsal.

All absences are considered unexcused. If a student misses 2 rehearsals in a week, they will not be permitted to perform. The discretion for whether or not a student will be allowed to perform will be made by one or more directors.

If you are absent from school you are not required to be at rehearsal but are encouraged to do so if you are able.


Long-term standing conflicts should be avoided. We will however work with students in advance if they are participating in conflicting extracurriculars. Work is never an acceptable excuse for absence or late arrival.


If/when a student is suspended from a performance due to rehearsal absences, they are still required to dress, travel with the band, and be there in support of their team. If a student misses a performance for any reason, they will be considered for removal from the Xenia Marching Band pending a conversation with the directors, students, and parents for an explanation of the missed performance.


In the case of medical or family emergencies that impact a performance or a rehearsal, please call the high school and dial extension 8303, chat with a director on the BAND APP, send a note with your student to the next rehearsal, or email one of the directors.


Changes to the rehearsal schedule will be communicated by the directors using the band app when and only if necessary.



XMB performs on Friday evening games, Saturday festivals, and various other community event dates. You are required to be aware of the calendar and avoid any scheduling conflicts. Due to the nature of our Saturday events, members should not make any additional plans for any Saturday until the logistics have been announced. Many times this information will be shared only one week before the event.


We perform our halftime show at all football games, attend local performance festivals, and play at local community events. Your attendance at all performances is expected as part of your marching band experience. The XMB, and all other ensembles, always strive for the best possible performance. Information about the logistics in relation to the type of event will be communicated prior to the event in the band app. Events that are noted as all day events on your calendar include morning rehearsals, load up, and the event itself.


Home Games

When you arrive to the Douglas Adam Stadium for a home game you will head straight to the gym to put on your uniforms, put together your instrument, and tune. You will leave all of your belongings except for your band bag and water bottle in the gym. Prior to the game you’ll meet to practice and line up in front of the school. The marching band will enter into the field in formation and line up for our pregame show. Following this show you’ll get into position for the National Anthem. Following the National Anthem you will exit the field to the Marching Band stands. From here you will be playing stand tunes. Just before halftime you’ll put all of your uniform pieces back on and line up for your halftime performance. You will complete your halftime performance, watch the guest teams performce and then walk in line back to our stands. You will be allowed a concession, bathroom, and social break during the third quarter of the game. The fourth quarter will include stand tunes. Should our team win the game you will exit the field with a celebratory dance. You will return to the gym where you must remove, hang up, and turn in your uniform pieces. You will collect all of your items and will be dismissed.


Away Games

You will be given a call time for arrival to the High School for away games. You will arrive in your summer uniform with your instruments and anything you need for the entire evening. You will quickly put your instruments together and meet on the practice field for a quick run through rehearsal. Following this rehearsal, you will load everything into the trailers and buses and head to the away location. Upon arrival you will put on your uniforms, line up, practice, and enter the stadium to our assigned seating. During this time you will be playing stand tunes. We will perform our halftime show and return to the stands. During the 3rd quarter you’ll take a concessions, bathroom, and social break. You’ll complete the 4th quarter with stand tunes and we will march out to our buses. At this time you will remove, hang, and turn in your uniform pieces. You will board the buses, check in with your chaperone, and we will head home. Parent will receive pick-up time notifications via the band app. At the time of pick up you will store your instrument, gather your items, empty the trailer, and be sure to grab anything that belongs to you. These are late nights so please arrive promptly for student pick up.  

Festivals come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Each event will carry a different set of requirements and logistics. Some events will be summer uniform only while others are full uniforms with a parade. You will need to pay attention to the logistics sent via the Band App so that you are prepared regardless of the festival.

For a typical festival, you will meet at the high school at the designated time wearing your summer uniform. We will have a short practice, load the trailer, and load the buses. We will travel to the festival location, dress into our uniforms, gather to warm up, and participate in the parade of bands. We will be ushered to our seats where we will watch the other bands perform. When it’s time we will leave the stands to the practice field, wait in holding for our performance, and march onto the field for our performance. When completed we will return to the stands and be dismissed for a concessions, restroom, and social break. Most festival finish the evening with an award ceremony on the field. We will march out as a band, remove and hang up our uniforms, and load the buses home.

Parents will receive pick up time notifications via the band app. At the time of pick up you will store your instrument, gather your items, empty the trailer, and be sure to grab anything that belongs to you. These are late nights so please arrive promptly for student pick up.

Each community event is slightly different. You will need to check the band app for uniform and logistic information. Community events will require your active participation. Some will require uniforms while others do not. Information, pick-up times, uniform specifications, and any additional requirements will be communicated through the band app.


Members should take great pride in wearing the XMB uniform. As a result, getting you into a uniform and keeping the uniform in shape requires specific requirements and guidelines. The majority of your uniform is provided by the Band Boosters.





10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Every uniform includes the following required pieces:

  • Marching Band Shirt
  • Marching Band Shorts
  • Bibbers- overall uniform pants
  • Jacket
  • Shako - Hat
  • Plume - Feathers
  • Handkerchief - Head Wrap
  • Drill Masters - Shoes
  • Spats- Shoe Covers
  • Gloves - Fingered and Fingerless
  • Band Bag
  • Ankle Length Black Socks - You Provide
  • Knee Length Black Socks - You Provide

There are two types of uniforms you will be wearing during your marching band experience. The summer uniform consists of shorts and t-shirt while the Full Uniform includes bibbers and jackets. You will be informed of what uniform you will be wearing prior to each event. The following are the expectations for the use of your uniforms. Your drill masters will be assigned to you when you begin Marching Band. You will take them to and from rehearsals, events, festivals, and games. You will use them for several years so it is imperative that you treat them with respect and attention.

  • Never place any part of your uniform on the ground or floor for any reason.
  • The uniform must stay in the cart until you are to put them on.
  • The uniform must stay on the hanger while taking it on and off.
  • Take your shoes off when putting bibbers on and off.
  • When in uniform, do not sit on the ground or in the grass.
  • When in uniform be careful what you drink.
  • Jackets must be removed when eating.  
  • No non-permanent hair dye may be used on your hair during the season.
  • Hair that is past the rim of the shako must be tied up and not visible under the shako.
  • Long hair will be pulled up when wearing summer uniforms.
  • Black socks are required for all performances.
  • Color Guard uniforms are established and monitored by the directors.
  • Summer uniform is to be worn underneath your full uniform.
  • Alterations may only be done by the uniform committee. If a problem arises, report it to the uniform committee immediately.


These rules are set in place to avoid staining, damage, and potential replacement charges. Your job is to keep your uniform in good shape for years to come. Replacing band uniforms is very expensive and only happens every 8-10 years. Please take excellent care of your uniform.


The boosters only exist for the sole purpose to raise funds to offset the cost of equipment, instruments, uniforms, and other operating costs of the XMB. As a result, we host several fundraising events throughout the XMB season. A fundraising team is needed to manage the logistics, planning, and execution of these events. These events include parking, tag day, and more. Below is a list of the types of fundraising events our students participate in each year.

Parents are required to assist along with their students as parking attendants for a week-long parking fundraiser at the Greene County Fairgrounds. You will be asked to sign up for your slots in advance. Parents are also needed to manage the kids as well as drive the golf cart. Participation is mandatory. You will sign up for your parking slots at the time you complete your forms and registration.



Students will meet at the school and then disperse throughout the town to visit businesses around the Xenia Area to procure ads for our festival program. This will help students to fulfill their ad requirements in their fees. This day will conclude with a parent meet and greet carry in picnic.

Our festival is a full-scale event. It requires many hands to make the event happen. The responsibilities of the event are broken down into leaders with small teams. These teams include Programs, Merch, Signage, Guides, Concession, Ticketing, and Parking. These leaders will have a grasp on the duties of their section and will be sharing that information with their teams. This is a one-day event with lots of early preparations and you are needed. A volunteer meeting will be held prior to the event. Participation is mandatory with Tier 1 and 2 registration. You will sign up for volunteer positions with your forms and registration.

Students will meet at the school and then disperse throughout the city in order to ask for donations. Students will be in full uniform and the team with the greatest donations will receive an awesome prize!


Your involvement is integral to the smooth operations of the band. There are many ways to get involved in big or small ways. While there is some required participation, for certain fee structures, additional help is always welcome and needed. Feel free to be available a lot or a little bit.


Students will be fitted for their uniforms at the beginning of the season. This requires many helping hands. Uniforms often require altering and management in the pre-season. Every time the uniforms are used the students require some assistance from parents. This may include pinning, buttoning, and putting away plumes. Uniform help is a short time right before performances and at the end. You may help with uniforms at some or all of the events based on your own availability. Uniform fitting help, sewing, and simple alterations are also needed.


At every band event, some type of hospitality care is offered to the students. This may be as simple as passing out water bottles and snacks or helping manage the buffet at the banquet. Here are a few ways to support the band through hospitality.

*Band Camp Lunch - Volunteers are needed to help procure donations, set up, serve, and clean up catered lunches.

*Games - Help set out the table with snacks, water, and other needs.

*Festivals- Help carry water, cups, and other needs.

*Events - Helps serve, maintain, and clean up during food events like the meet and greet, band gatherings, and the banquet.



For each away game and festival, we take three buses full of students. Each bus requires 2-4 chaperones. Chaperones help to maintain behavior during the bus ride, at the event, and on the way home. Chaperones enter with the band and attend the events as representatives of the band. You may chaperone some or all of the events based on your own availability. A chaperone chair coordinates the chaperones and manages the schedule.


Every event requires loading the uniforms, large instruments, and equipment into the trailer. Parents are needed to help load the equipment trailer and haul the trailer to events. A select group of students are active in putting away uniforms and instruments but the parents help make every event run much more smoothly. You may help with equipment at some or all of the events based on your own availability.


Several of our events throughout the year require multiple drivers. You would be taking the students to multiple locations and caring for them throughout the day. Drivers are needed for Tag Day, Senior Days, and other events. You may choose to be a driver for some or all of the events based on your availability.


Parents are needed outside of events to add information and photos to our social media accounts. This can be done from home and from your phone. This is a great way to get involved if you have little time and know how to use social media.


The seniors enjoy several special events designed just for them. One of those events has the seniors completing challenges at multiple home sites around the city. As a senior host, you would be volunteering to host and maintain a few games. Lunch hosts are also needed.


Hosted at your home families host a short after party for students and parents following home games. Most families provide snacks of some kind as well as something for the students to do. This is a great way to get to know the students and parents on a more personal level.


Marching band fees cover the cost of uniforms, transportation, food, and the operations of the Xenia Marching Band. Each member is required to pay their fees at the time of registration.

We have developed a tiered fee structure that allows you to choose your level of involvement and inclusion. Review each tier carefully before selecting. Changes to your tier cannot be made following your selection.

Full and Partial scholarships are available through the Band Boosters. Information for scholarships can be found within the registration forms.

Using the ShopPay or Pay Pal option at checkout you may be eligible to break your payments into installments. *Fees apply.



XMB Uniform Parts for Student



Transportation to Events


Mandatory Volunteer All Parking Events

Mandatory Volunteer at Last Blast Festival

$100 in sponsored ads for Festival Program





XMB Uniform Parts for Student



Transportation to Events

XMB T-Shirt for Parent


Mandatory Volunteer One Parking Event

$0 Ads for Festival Program




Once you've completed your purchase you will receive via email a digital form that includes medical, consent, and participation agreement forms. These forms are accessed by the directors and boosters executive committees to track participation, student information, and volunteer requests. These forms must be completed in order to your student to begin practicing with the Marching Band.